Saturday, August 11, 2012

Fitness plan during this pregnancy...

Ok, so during my first pregnancy my hubby and I went to the gym 3 times per week and I used the elliptical. Although it was better than nothing, I wanted to focus on strength training this time around so I don't lose the muscle I've worked so hard for.  I barely worked out during the first trimester due to "all day sickness", so I feel like I've lost a some of the muscle I had.  Basically, I want to maintain my fitness so my labor/delivery and recovery goes as well as possible.

That's where this new workout DVD comes in!!  Let me introduce you to: Erica Ziel from Knocked Up Fitness. Erica Ziel is a mom of 3 and a Pilate's instructor, certified personal trainer and nutritionist.  She is from southern California where she's sought out for her experience in pre and post natal fitness.  Please check out her website for more information.

I have been doing these workouts for 2 weeks now.  And, in a lot of ways it feels like I'm starting over.  But these DVDs are for anyone at any fitness level.  Erica truly focuses on reminding you to listen to your body and taking breaks if needed. The workouts are broken up into segments that make it doable for any one's schedule.  The workouts range from 8-20 minutes and can be paired with one another or repeated depending on your fitness level.  On days when I'm extremely exhausted, I start out with the core warm up and if that's all I'm up to doing I'm ok with that.

Her workouts include: 
Core Warm Up (12 minutes)
Prenatal Fitcamp (8 minutes)
Pilates arms (8 minutes)
Pilates Legs (10 minutes)
 Total Body Pilate's (8 minutes) 

DVD 2 
Core Cardio (12 minutes)
  Pilates Yoga (20 minutes).

I haven't done all the workouts yet, but what I have done so far is a good workout.  I feel like I'm working all the muscles that had such a hard time going back to "normal" after the delivery of my daughter.  I now have hope that maybe, just maybe, my muscle recovery after the delivery of this baby may not be as hard as it was the first time around.

If you are interested in purchasing these dvds, please look here: Amazon

Saturday, August 4, 2012

More news for those that don't already know...

Lots of adjustments going on in my life.  I'm almost 4 months along in this pregnancy...nope, you didn't miss the news, I just haven't said a word about it on here yet.  I haven't said anything about it yet mostly due to feeling quite sick!  It's hard to believe I'm finally starting to feel better.  I'm still tired, but that comes with the territory.

Along with that means I've been taking time off of my workout routine.  I tried real hard to stick to something, or just do something simple like walking.  That didn't work at all, it actually made me feel quite a bit more sick.  I had read some blogs that said working out made their all day sickness go away, but it turned mine into a monster.  Now, that I'm feeling better, this is week 1 of getting back into some form of routine.  I still haven't set my bike trainer up on our apartment patio, but I plan to do that this weekend.  In the meantime, I'm doing some strength training.  I'm trying a pregnancy workout routine and so far it feels like a good workout(I'll post more about that later).

My little monkey is excited about a sibling.  At first she only wanted a sister, but now she switches back and forth between wanting a brother or a sister.  She pretends to be a doctor and with aid of kitchen utensils makes sure that I'm doing well.

We are still adjusting to our move.  Going from small college town, to metropolitan area is quite the change.  And, quite frankly, one we actually haven't liked very much.  On the brighter side, we have found a church we like and are starting to meet people there.

One of the many cards a friend has sent me through this process of moving.  Thanks Catrina for understanding when I need one of these!