Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday Fave: organizing at it's finest

Ok, so organizing is NOT my favorite thing to do. But when I find a thrifty way to organize that's quick and easy, that's my favorite! And, I'm starting to make progress on my office which has continued to stay a mess amidst the craziness of life. But my focus has changed. Instead of just closing the door and letting things pile up in that room I have decided it HAS to get organized! I've had this in my plans since moving into our house almost a year ago, but other things (survival) were my priority. And, my office is the 1 room my youngest doesn't go into, so instead of having that be my catch all room it needs to be my space...

This room also has my treadmill, Bubbles(yes I named my treadmill, now BACK OFF).
My office needs to stay clean just for my adventures in exercise. The rainy season is basically here in the Pacific Northwest and I'm ready to make sure Bubbles is ready to help me stay active (see, doesn't that sound more exciting than treadmill?!?).

Anyway, back to what I put together in a short amount of time. Do any of you have Quaker granola bar boxes at your house? I needed an easy way to store coloring books and construction paper.  Gather up those boxes and some duct tape for your creation:



There ya go, easy peasy!  Oh, the possibilities with this craft. Someday I'll make it look pretty with wrapping paper, but I needed the storage NOW!

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