Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday Faves

Hang in there with me, all posts have been postponed due to life! But I will do my Friday Faves real quick!

1. VBS (vacation bible school) daughter has been attending VBS this week at my in-laws church. She has decided to have a relationship with Jesus!!  Celebrations on earth and in heaven!

2.   I am getting a new computer set up this weekend, so there just might be more posts soon ...I've been posting from my ipad for the past 6 months.

3.  My Dad for building our computer for us.  Thanks Dad, you are awesome!

4. My in-laws for letting us crash at their place this week and basically take over their house!!  We have invaded...and when you have a 6 month and 5 year old old it is truly an invasion of space.
 Baby gear=nuff said

5. A bit of a fuzzy picture below due to my ipad and the constant movement of the kids.  Beth decided she needed to show me a "trick" and John thought it was great! Yay for happy kids!

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