Hello again!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful Holy Week
and are looking forward to Easter as much as I am. Holiday's are always
so fun and interesting in my family, and most definitely religious
holidays. It's a very different experience for me now that I am a mom
and my kids are getting older. What I often find myself thinking of is
that I want to make sure my kids fully understand the true
reason and meaning behind holiday's like Easter and Christmas, while
still preserving the magic that comes with such things as the Easter
Bunny and Santa Clause. I do everything I can to make sure there is room
for both sides, but I would often wonder how much was reaching
them..then there's been the last two years.
Now last year, I took
my oldest son, Talon with me to, for lack of a better description, a
reenactment of the crucifixion of Jesus. The
Nazarene Church in
Nampa, Idaho puts this on every year and they do a beautiful job. It is
one of the most touching things I have ever seen. I have been many many
times since that first year I went with my dear friend Angie and her
family. It never fails to have me in tears and to the point of
bringing me to my knees in worship. Taking Talon with me was a big deal,
because even though I've discussed with my kids the fact that God sent
his only Son to save us, actually seeing the man portraying Jesus being
nailed to the cross and his weak voice begging his Father to forgive us
as he dies, well, I wanted to wait until I felt each of them was at an
age were they had the ability to sort their feelings about it and could
find the words to ask the questions I had no doubt would be there.
Talking about it is one thing, seeing it portrayed is another. Not to
mention that he would be witnessing the wreck his mother looks like afterwards, and I wanted him to be able to understand that in the end it
is tears of joy, praise, and thanks for this beautiful gift.
I was so
proud how much Talon took in, how much he understood and how well
thought out his questions were about the things he didn't quite get. To a
young child of 9 it is so hard to imagine anyone not loving Jesus. I am
looking forward to sharing this with my other 3 children in the coming
years. My ultimate goal is to one day be a part of the cast that shares
this beautiful message.
Resurrection scene from No Greater Love at Nampa First Church of the Nazrene |
This year, just like every year, I was
preparing myself for what I was going to give up during Lent. For the
last 6 years I have given up ALL meat for the full 40 days of Lent. I
have talked to my kids about this and of course they notice, us being a
fairly carnivorous family and all. Imagine my pride when all on his own,
Talon tells me that he would like to give something up for Lent.
Following him, were his younger brother and sister who said they would like to give something up too. I was bursting with pride at the fact
that they felt led to do this and completely on their own. I have only told them that I do it and my reasons why, but have never
suggested that they should.
Talon and Chloe decided that they wanted to
give up pizza and Hayden decided on soda. Now these things may not seem
like a big deal, but in the minds of a 10 year old and two 8 year olds,
it is. Especially when we have many birthday parties serving pizza and
pop during Feb and March, and every Tues being pizza day at school. I
was very grateful to the Parma School lunch staff for supporting Talon
and Chloe in their decision by offering an alternative lunch for them on
Several weeks into this we were at my parents house and my
brother had gotten pizza for everyone for dinner. Not only could Talon
and Chloe not eat the dinner, but neither could I since all of them had some sort meat on them. As the first one
was pulled out of the oven and the second one was cooking with the yummy
pizza smell filling the house, Talon says out of no where, "You know
what mom? This is really hard!" Right there was the recognition and the
opening I had been waiting for. I of course told them the reason I did
this every year, but right here with the smell of the food and knowing
he was making a choice to 'give it up' I was able to drive my point
home. That yes, I'm sure it did feel very difficult to not have pizza
with everyone. And that there are times when I am so hungry for whatever
meat product I am cooking for them for dinner, but not able to enjoy
because of what I gave up..so as difficult as this feels for us, imagine
what it must have felt like for God to give His child, His ONLY Son, to
die for our sins. Now that is sacrifice. Seeing the full understanding
in the faces of my 3 young children, seeing them really 'get' why we do
this every year, was such an amazing experience.
So this weekend as
we dye the eggs and fill little plastic ones with candy, money, and
trinkets and wait for the Easter Bunny to hide them, I will enjoy
watching my kids running around, filling their baskets knowing, with full
confidence, that they understand the TRUE meaning of Easter.
appreciate everyone who took the time to read this long winded post,
letting me express something that is so dear in my life; my faith, and
my children. I wish each and every one of you a blessed Easter spent
with those you hold most dear.